Shri Atul Kumar Tiwari Addresses Valedictory Session of ‘100 Days Skill Festival’ at University of Delhi


Over 400 Participants from 90 Institutions Trained During the Event

At the valedictory ceremony of the ‘100 Days Skill Festival’ organized by the University of Delhi, Shri Atul Kumar Tiwari, Secretary of the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE), addressed the gathering as the Chief Guest. The festival was held to mark the centenary year of the University of Delhi and was organized jointly by the Centre for Innovation in Infectious Diseases, Research, Education, and Training (CIIDRET) and the Delhi School of Skill Enhancement & Entrepreneurship Development (DSSEED).

Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship Secretary delivers keynote address at University of Delhi’s centenary event source-PIB

More than 400 participants from 90 different institutions across the country were trained and upskilled during the festival. The festival aimed to empower the youth of the country with adequate skill sets to increase their employability in relevant sectors and improve productivity, in alignment with the Skill India Mission’s objectives.

The festival witnessed 13 training workshops in various subjects, including Basic Techniques in Microbiology, Techniques In Genomics, Python for Biology & Its Practical Approach, NGS And Genomic Data Science And Analysis, and protection of new knowledge as Intellectual Property through Patents. The courses were customized for different learning levels and were designed for the skill development of students, research scholars, teachers, and scientists.

Speaking on the occasion, Shri Atul Kumar Tiwari emphasized the importance of skilling, reskilling, and upskilling initiatives for the development of India’s youth and the overall growth of the country. He congratulated the University of Delhi, CIIDRET, and DSSEED for their efforts towards building an ecosystem that promotes learning, collaboration, and networking. He also said that upskilling and reskilling are crucial components of a holistic skill environment that prepares the youth for the extensive socio-economic change that lies ahead.

Prof. Amita Gupta, Director of CIIDRET, said that empowering youth through Hands-on workshops in Beyond Classroom mode will add value to their education for better employability and also drive them towards Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Skilling hubs fostering innovation with upskilling must be established and promoted, he added.

Prof. V.K. Chaudhary, Director (Hon.) of DSSEED, said that the 100 Days Skill Festival is an example that needs to be expanded to other subject areas so that skilling becomes an inherent and inseparable part of the education curriculum at all levels.

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